Excellent usability for your website. Part 6.
Correct technical errors of the website. Mandatorily look how the final version of a web resource is displayed in various browsers and on va

Excellent usability for your website. Part 5.
Take care of practicality of content. Content is exactly what users come to the site for.

Excellent usability for your website. Part 4.
Competently work out design of the website.
Perhaps, it is the most extensive and influential aspect of the website demanding to itself the

Excellent usability for your website. Part 3.
On any multipage website, and especially in online store, there have to be means of search of the necessary information or goods.

Excellent usability for your website. Part 2. Navigation has to help the client.
The main task of navigation of the website with which it has to cope faultlessly consists in simple convenient reflection of information str

Excellent usability for your website. Part 1.
Today, when on the Internet there are millions of the websites on any subjects, it is important to hold the client on a web resource as long

How to Create the Best Registration Form for Your Website. Part 2.
We speak about it in our training articles and we give you the opportunity to create it on the WIX.com platform with Light-Tech applications

How to Create the Best Registration Form for Your Website. Part 1.
We will continue a cycle of the training articles on how to create the users’ friendly interface. Monitor updates and develop the...