How to Create the Best Registration Form for Your Website. Part 1.

We will continue a cycle of the training articles on how to create the users’ friendly interface. Monitor updates and develop the websites together with WIX and Light-Tech!
For creation of the intuitive interface of the website it is relevant:
To have the short forms of registration.
To force the user to be registered is important and one of the most difficult tasks of the interface. Usually people try to avoid to be registered there where they are not going to come regularly, or are not sure of it yet. Moreover, they often even refuse to purchase in online store if registration for this purpose is required and leave it to look for the goods on other websites. To avoid users feel hostility to the process of registration, it is necessary to make it fast and easy.
Don't use long forms of registration where it is necessary to specify all the biography. Be limited only by the most necessary data.
If for some reasons you are forced to offer users a long form with a plenty of points of filling, then break it into separate parts.

Look at an example. The form at the left shows all lines to filling at once and therefore looks bulky. There is no wish to fill such form. On contrary, in the form at the right there can be exactly the same quantity of questions, but they are broken into "steps" therefore don't cause irritation.
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