10 offline promotional strategies. Pt.1.

We live in an online world now, but it doesn't mean that the internet is the only way to promote your brand and product.
There are plenty of offline promotional strategies, some of which we'll tell you now:
An article in a magazine. You can always advertise your brand in a real paper-made magazine. And it should not necessarily be a classical ad. You can give an interview as an expert or write an article with a useful content.
Business cards. Creative business cards can significantly increase the popularity of your brand. People will be willing to share them and post the photos of them on their pages in social media. Besides, when you're on an offline event, you can't show everyone your landing page. A business card is the best way to leave you contacts to the people you might need to reach in the future.

Creative business cards can significantly increase the popularity of your brand.
Creative stickers. Stickers are a new trend, especially in the environment of youngsters. If you work well on the design and create something catchy and funny, you'll soon be seeing your brand on thousands of laptops, bags, trees and lamp posts.

Stickers are a new trend, especially in the environment of youngsters.
Radio ads. There is no driver who can imagine a ride without a radio playing. Radio provides a very wide reach of the audience, so you shouldn't forget about this promotion channel.
Free offline seminars. Conducting educational seminars is a very good way to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge. People will voluntarily visit such free event, on which you can then sell them your services. The most important thing is to give your audience a really valuable content, so they begin to trust you and follow your advice.

Conducting educational seminars is a very good way to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge.
Subscribe to our page and read about 5 more offline promotional strategies tomorrow!