Micro-conversions and their effect to website effectiveness

Most of your potential customers may feel uncomfortable, if you present them your main offer right away. That's why so many companies use micro-conversions: small offers on a way to the big main one.
This method works, because agreeing to smaller interactions with your brand, a user gets used to you and finds out more about your product, so its mentally easier for one to make a purchase then.
Micro-conversions can be free or paid. Free ones are, for example, an e-book in exchange on email or a 7-days free trial. Paid ones are: the first week for 9,99$ instead of 49,99$ or a video course for 5.99$.
With a help of micro-conversions you can divide your customers to those who are potentially to buy your product and those who are not really interested in it, and work with your lead base accordingly.

Agreeing to smaller interactions with your brand, a user gets used to you and finds out more about your product, so its mentally easier for one to make a purchase then.
One more vitro-conversion type is a quiz.
Quizzes are very effective for getting the audience into interaction as on a landing, as in Social media.
Now you know what micro-conversions are and how you can use them in your business.
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