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6 golden rules of pop-ups

You must already know that pop-ups are an amazing instrument of marketing. If you still don't use it on your site, please, start as soon as possible

And today we'll tell you about 6 golden rules which you shouldn't brake while working with pop-ups:

1. Clear and laconic text People won't read your pop-up for a long time. Interact with your users by short catchy phrases. And stay in your brand style!

2. Too many=too bad Your page shouldn't have more than 2 pop-ups. Otherwise they will annoy and distract your customers.

3. Integrate with a mailing server You don't want to create CSV-tables with the data of your leads by hand, do you?

4. Make tests Always make tests! Never launch a pop-up without testing all links and its look on mobile devices.

5. Be mobile-friendly You may have heard that Google has chamged its algorithm to make a network more comfortable for mobile users. Make sure that your pop-ups fit all technical demands.

6. Offer a real benefit Make your users say "Thank you" when they see a pop-up, not "Get off"!

By the way, pop-up can look not only like a big page-sized picture. You can use a bar at the bottom of a page as a pop-up too!


For example, Impressive Welcome bar. You can write any message to your customers: greet them at your site, promote sales, collect emails, set time of appearance and anything else.

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