How to choose the best way of promotion?

A few days ago we wrote about attracting new clients and listed several ways to do it. So today we'll tell you, how to choose a correct option for your business between them. Read and remember.
If you don't know, what type of promotion fits you best, you can try...
1. ...To look at your competitors. Analyze their promotional strategies, look at the stages where they advertise themselves. Do they use SMM? Does it show a good activity? If yes, you may also want to try it. If no – look for the other ways.
2. ...To consult marketing specialists. Sometimes the best way to make a right choice is to ask for help from an expert. Don't underestimate this option. A good professional can save you lots of money if one shares one`s experience.
3. ...To make tests. Even if you think you've figured out the best way to advertise yourself, don't put thousands of dollars in the first campaign. At the beginning it's always better to make several tests and make sure that your hypotheses work.
Follow these advice and save your time and marketing budget! And don't forget to like and share this article if it was useful.