PmPHS or the main secret of copywriting

We use copywriting in many spheres of business: in website design, in e-mail marketing, in content marketing etc. So it's important to know its main principals and be able to use them. Today we'll tell you a formula based on reader`s pain: PmPHS.
P - Pain Choose the most "painful" problems of your clients and state them in your text. "Your salary is too small?" "Your children do not behave?" etc.
mP - More Pain Here you need to increase the pain from the first step. A reader must decide to oneself that it's impossible to keep living like that.
H - Hope Now you need to present several alternatives and possible ways out. Or even use storytelling and write about people in the same situation who succeeded in working it out.
S - Solution And finally we offer a solution of client`s problem. This solution must be really valuable, so a reader could feel its usefulness right here and now.
This schema works in 90% of cases, so you may want trying it next time you write something.
And if you want to decorate texts on your website, there is a special plugin which can beautifully animate your texts and bring more attention to them: Impressive text slider.