How to use Systems 1 and 2 in web design

In the previous post we’ve told you about Dual Process theory, which states that when a person perceives an information, it is processed firstly on emotional level, and then on logical level. Now we’ll give you several tips on how to use it in web design.
1. Firstly you need to grab user`s attention and show one that you are ready to solve one`s problem immediatly.
2. Then when a person`s attention is already yours, go deeper into details and explain what exactly you will do and why you’re the best for this job.
3. Use color psychology, convincing design, prejudice etc to activate System 1.
4. Provide users with information which gives them a feeling of comfort and confidence about their decisions.
5. Triggers for System 1: big pictures, bright videos, testimonials.
Use color psychology, convincing design, prejudice etc to activate System 1.
6. Triggers for System 2: less pictures (because they distract), more convincing facts and numbers.
Determine, what system people use when they make their decisions considering your product, and focus your design concept on the triggers of this system.