How fonts affect our perception

Serif or Sans-Serif? That is the question...
Before choosing a font for your site or text learn how different fonts affect perception:
1. Readability. There are so many bizarre fonts and it is so tempting to use them in your design... But stop and ask yourself: are they comfortable to read? There is no use in writing with fancy fonts if they make your message unclear.
2. Men or Women? You may surprise but there are fonts for men and fonts for women. Women`s are thin, serif, smooth and elegant while men`s are more angular and steep. You can use different fonts for different parts of your audience.

Serif or Sans-Serif? There is no real proof of one of them being more effective than the other.
3. Serif or Sans-Serif?
There is no real proof of one of them being more effective than the other. But it is common that Serif fonts are more used in letters while Sans-Serif is better for site design.
Choose your fonts thoughtfully!