Slow UX

We've written thousand times that your landings and websites must be as fast as they can for the sake of a good UX. But every rule has an exception. There are a few cases when slow UX can benefit you. Here we'll list some of them for your consideration.
Slow UX can be good when you want to create a feeling of safety.
For example, TurboTax uses fake loading indicators, which appear when the program double-checks your data (although it was checked right after you've entered it), so people feel safe about the information they leave about themselves and trust the company more.
Slow UX down when users fill in their personal data on your site or purchase your product.
When people expect UX to be slow — it should be slow (at least at the beginning).
Wells Fargo conducted retina scanning so fast that users didn't believe it had actually scanned anything. When the company found it out, they had to slow the scanning down and add a progress-bar to it. If your product can be faster than it is expected by users, try to add speed gradually and notify users that you're working on it (as Facebook does, for example).
Slow down your UX if this is what users want you to do.
Slow UX down when users fill in their personal data on your site or purchase your product.
Slow down your UX if needed because of system requirements.
Not all people have a fast internet connection. Some of them live away from big cities and can have problems getting online. Or sometimes your own server`s condition may get worse so the speed of loading is not so fast. What you need to do in this case is to show users a progress-bar (even a fake one) while the page is loading.
Imagine yourself clicking on a website page: would you wait 5 minutes in front of an empty screen? But what if there was a progress-bar or a loading indicator? Any sign of website feedback to users` activities is a chance to keep them even if the UX is slow.
Always give users feedback on their activities with progress-bars or loading indicators.
These are 3 cases when slow UX may be even better than a fast one. But before slowing down your site think twice, if it will work for you or not.
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