Mobile UX — navigation at the bottom of a screen

Every developer and web designer knows, that design is not only about a good look, but also about a comfortable use of a website or an app.
On mobile devices navigation at the bottom of a screen is very comfortable, because it is situated in an area easily accessable with a thumb.
That's what you need to know about navigation at the bottom:
✔️ Use 3 to 5 items in the menu Less quantity doesn't look good and more points can confuse users.
❌ Avoid scrolling Don't let your menu become big enough to need horizontal scrolling. You better place extra items to another place.

✔️ Mark current position At what section is a user at the moment? Highlight an icon of this section in the menu, or emphasise it with color, so a user can understand where one is.
❌ Be careful with text labels Don't use long text labels. They are inconvenient to read. Select short and clear names for the parts of your menu.
✔️ Make buttons big enough ..So a user can easily hit them with one`s thumb.
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