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5 easy steps to customize Impressive Text Slider

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01. Add an Impressive Text Slider to Your Website. You can install it from Wix App Market.App Market → Impressive Text Slider → Add to Site.

02. Organize Slides' order by dragging the mouse.

03. Edit Slides' captions, choose Animate In and Animate Out for each caption.Edit → Text settings → Edit text. Text animation → Animate In, Animate Out.

04. Customize background color and opacity, captions' design and add links.Edit → Text settings → Background, Text font, Position X, Y. On text click → Navigate to, Design settings → Text color, Background, Padding width, etc.

05. Customize general settings.Main Settings → Slide animation speed, etc. Arrow Settings → Arrows On/Off, etc. Navigation Dots → Dots color, Active dot color, etc.

By the way. You can also set background Image for Text Slider with Parallax effect.Parallax → Parallax On/Off, Change Image.


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